WAIPU Members

WAIPU Division North America


Website: www.waipu.ca





254 Chapman Road, Newark, Delaware 19702,
United States


Website: www.waipuus.com



Kontinental Hockey League Players' Trade Unions

Andrei Kovalenko
KHLPTU Chairman

Sokolnicheskiy val st., 1 B - 107113, Moscow

Phone: +7 495 603 31 74
Email: profsouz@khlptu.ru - Website: www.khlptu.ru



Finnish Hockey Player`s Association

Jarmo Saarela
Executiv Director

Uutiskatu 2 - 00240 Helsinki

Phone: +358 9 621 6322 - Fax: +358 9 621 6373
Email: info@sjry.fi - Website: www.sjry.fi



Norwegian Players’ Association for ice-hockey

Joachim Walltin

Youngs gate 11 - 0181 Oslo

Phone: +47 982 60590 - Fax: +47 2306 2055
Email: niso@niso.no - Website: www.niso.no



Česká asociace hokejistů, o. s.

Marek Černošek

Mlýnská 22/4, 160 00 Praha 6 - Bubeneč
Email: marek.cernosek@caihp.cz - Website: www.caihp.cz



SIHPA Slovenská asociácia hráčov ľadového hokeja

JUDr. Oliver Pravda, LL.M.

Prezident SIHPA

ul. 29. augusta 28/D - 811 09 Bratislava – Staré Mesto - Slovensko

Phone: +421 944 100 360
Email: oliver.pravda@sihpa.net - Website: http://www.sihpa.net




Hungarian Ice Hockey Players’ Association

Attila Pavuk

HIHPA President

1124 Budapest, Csörsz u. 43, Tower Gesztenyés, 3rd Floor

Mob: +36 306638162
Email: info@hockeyplayers.hu - Website: www.hockeyplayers.hu 




The Danish Elite Athletes Association

Michael Døi

Legal advisor

Frederiksholms kanal 4, 2. 1220 Copenhagen Denmark

Phone: +45 20 64 13 21
Email: kontakt@def-sport.dk - Website: www.def-sport.dk




SZHL Stowarzyszenie Zawodników Hokeja na Lodzie

Mr Krystian Dziubiński

President of SZHL's board

Długa 104 Nowy Targ 34-400

Phone: +48 691 766 649
Email: kontakt@szhl.pl - Website: www.szhl.pl





Swiss Association of Icehockey Players

Dr. Lucien W. Valloni

Flughofstrasse 39 - CH-8152 Glattbrugg

Telefon: +41 (0)44 829 2250 - Fax: +41 (0)44 829 2251
Email: info@saip.ch - Website: www.saip.ch